MIT Open Course Schedule


已经连续很多天 “没有” 时间看课程视频了。回过头看,其实从课程视频中获得的信息是十分有限的,现在已经进入了和预期一致的、开始看就会走神的状态,简直和真实的上课状态一模一样。

从一开始的目的来说,我是希望可以通过 “正统” 的视频课程,系统地了解某一门课程的内容,以不至于落后于还在深入学业的同学。但其实,至少对我来说,真正有用的东西大多不是从学校或者课堂学到的。我应该学会不再在乎这样的比较。

有很多不同领域的、有趣的、有价值的视频和内容,都值得被关注。当时间从一开始可以随意浪费,到把时间用来看美剧,到只能把时间用来看课程视频,到连续 1 小时的视频课程视频都没有耐心看完……

开始于 01.11,结束于 05.15。时间有点短了,原准备连续 3 年的。(为什么是 3 年呢 :P







Title Intrduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python
No. 6.0001, Fall 2016
Date 2021.01.11 ~ 2021.01.29 (12 lectures)
Lecture 1 What is Computation? 01.11
Lecture 2 Branching and Iteration 01.12
Lecture 3 String Manipulation, Guess and Check, Approximations, Bisection 01.13
Lecture 4 Decomposition, Abstraction, and Function 01.14
Lecture 5 Tuples, Lists, Aliasing, Mutability, and Cloning 01.16
Lecture 6 Recursion and Dictionaries 01.17
Lecture 7 Testing, Debugging, Exceptions, and Assertions 01.20
Lecture 8 Ojbect Oriented Programming 01.23
Lecture 9 Python Classes and Inheritance 01.23
Lecture 10 Understanding Program Efficiency, Part 1 01.24
Lecture 11 Understanding Program Efficiency, Part 2 01.26
Lecture 12 Searching and Sorting 01.29

2 (2.1)

Title Intrduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
No. 6.0002, Fall 2016
Date 2021.01.30 ~ 2021.02.23 (15 lectures)
Lecture 1 Introduction, Optimization Problems 01.30
Lecture 2 Optimization Problems 01.31
Lecture 3 Graph-theoretic Models 02.01
Lecture 4 Stochastic Thinking 02.03
Lecture 5 Random Walks 02.05
Lecture 6 Monte Carlo Simulation 02.06
Lecture 7 Confidence Intervals 02.07
Lecture 8 Sampling and Standard Error 02.09
Lecture 9 Understanding Experimental Data 02.10
Lecture 10 Understanding Experimental Data (cont.) 02.12
Lecture 11 Introduction to Machine Learning 02.13
Lecture 12 Clustering 02.14
Lecture 13 Classification 02.15
Lecture 14 Classification and Statistical Sins 02.16
Lecture 15 Statistical Sins and Wrap Up 02.17

3 (2.2)

Title The Film Experience
No. MIT 21L011, Fall 2013
Date 2021.01.30 ~ 2021.03.17 (30 lectures)
Lecture 1 Introduction to MIT 21L011 01.30
Lecture 2 Keaton 01.31
Lecture 3 Chaplin, Part I 02.02
Lecture 4 Chaplin, Part II 02.04
Lecture 5 Film as Global & Cultural Form; Montage, Mise en Sciene 02.06
Lecture 6 German Film, Murnau 02.07
Lecture 7 The Studio Era 02.08
Lecture 8 The Work of Movies; Capra & Hawks 02.12
Lecture 9 Alfred Hitchcock 02.13
Lecture 10 Shadow of a Doubt, Reat Window 02.14
Lecture 11 The Musical 02.15
Lecture 12 The Musical (continued) 02.19
Lecture 13 The Western 02.20
Lecture 14 The Western (continued) 02.22
Lecture 15 American Film in the 1970s, Part I 02.25
Lecture 16 American Film in the 1970s, Part II 02.26
Lecture 17 Renoir and Poetic Realism 02.28
Lecture 18 Renoir’s Grand Illusion 03.02
Lecture 19 Italian Neorealism, Part I 03.03
Lecture 20 Italian Neorealism, Part II 03.04
Lecture 21 Truffaut, the Nouvelle Vague, The 400 Blows 03.05
Lecture 22 Kurosawa and Rashomon 03.05
Lecture 23 Summary Perspectives - Film as Art and Artifact 03.06
Record Meet the Educator 03.07
Record Why Study Film? 03.07
Record Approach to Lecturing 03.07
Record The Film Experience: A Course in Transition 03.07
Record The Video Lecture Conundrum 03.07
Record Beyond Film: Television & Literature 03.07
Record Thematic Spines of the Course 03.07

4 (2.2.2)

Title Music and Technology
No. 21M.380, Fall 2009
Date 2021.02.20 ~ 2021.02.26 (4 lectures)
Lecture 13 Contemporary History and Aesthetics 02.21
Lecture 12d Contemporary History and Aesthetics 02.23
Lecture 12w Contemporary History and Aesthetics 02.23
Lecture 16 Contemporary History and Aesthetics 02.24

5 (5.1)

Title Introduction to Psychology
No. MIT 9.00SC, Fall 2011
Date 2021.03.08 ~ 2021.04.13 (24 lectures)
Lecture 1 Introduction to Psychology 03.08
Lecture 2 Introduction to Psychology 03.09
Lecture 3 Introduction to Psychology 03.10
Lecture 4 Introduction to Psychology 03.11
Lecture 5 Introduction to Psychology 03.12
Lecture 6 Introduction to Psychology 03.14
Lecture 7 Introduction to Psychology 03.14
Lecture 8 Introduction to Psychology 03.16
Lecture 9 Introduction to Psychology 03.18
Lecture 10 Introduction to Psychology 03.25
Lecture 11 Introduction to Psychology 03.28
Lecture 12 Introduction to Psychology 03.30
Lecture 13 Introduction to Psychology 04.05
Lecture 14 Introduction to Psychology 04.12
Lecture 15 Introduction to Psychology 04.18
Lecture 16 Introduction to Psychology 04.25
Lecture 17 Introduction to Psychology 04.29
Lecture 18 Introduction to Psychology 05.06
Lecture 19 Introduction to Psychology
Lecture 20 Introduction to Psychology 05.16
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Lecture 23
Lecture 24

6 (5.2)

Title Artificial Intelligence
No. MIT6.034, Fall 2010
Date 2021.03.12 ~ 2021.04.27 (30 lectures)
Lecture 1 Intruduction and Scope 03.12
Lecture 2 Reasonging Goal Trees and Problem Solving 03.14
Lecture 3 Based Expert Systems 03.20
Lecture 4 Search: Depth-First, Hill Climbing, Bean 03.20
Lecture 5 Search: Optional, Branch and Bound, A* 03.28
Lecture 6 Search Games, Minimax, and Alpha-Beta 03.31
Lecture 7 Constraints: Interpreting Line Drawings 04.07
Lecture 8 Constraints: Search, Domain Reduction 04.13
Lecture 9 Constraints: Vistual Object Recognition 04.18
Lecture 10 Introduction to Learning, Nearest Neighbors 04.19
Lecture 11 Learning: Identification Trees, Disorder 04.21
Lecture 12a Neural Nets 04.27
Lecture 12b Deep Neural Nets 05.03
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Lecture 15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Lecture 20
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Lecture 23
Lecture 24
Lecture 25
Lecture 26
Lecture 27
Lecture 28
Lecture 29
Lecture 30

7 (5.3)

Title Design and Analysis of Algorithms
No. MIT6.046J, Fall 2015
Date 2021.03.14 ~ 2021.05.03 (30 lectures)
Lecture 1 Clourse Overview, Interval Scheduling 03.14
Lecture 2 Divide & Conquer: Convex Hull, Median Finding 03.15
Lecture R1 Matrix Multiplication and the Master Theoren 03.15
Lecture 3 Divide & Conquer: FFT 03.17
Lecture R2 2-3 Trees and B-Trees 03.20
Lecture 4 Divide & Conquer: van Emde Boas Trees 03.27
Lecture 5 Amortization: Amortized Analysis 04.01
Lecture 6 Randomization: Matrix Multiply, Quicksort 04.08
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Lecture 11
Lecture 12
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Lecture 15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Lecture 20
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Lecture 23
Lecture 24
Lecture 25
Lecture 26
Lecture 27
Lecture 28
Lecture 29
Lecture 30
Lecture 31
Lecture 32
Lecture 33
Lecture 34

8 (5.4)

Title Mathematics for Computer Science
No. MIT6.042J, Spring 2015
Date 2021.03.16 ~ 2021.08.31 (111 lectures)
Lecture 1.1.1 Welcome to 6.042 03.16
Lecture 1.1.2 Intro to Proofs: Part 1 03.15
Lecture 1.1.3 Intro to Proofs: Part 2 03.17
Lecture 1.2.1 Proof by Contradiction 03.17
Lecture 1.2.3 Proof by Cases 03.17
Lecture 1.3.1 Well Ordering Principle 1 03.17
Lecture 1.3.3 Well Ordering Principle 2 03.18
Lecture 1.3.5 Well Ordering Principle 3
Lecture 1.4.1 Propositional Operators 03.19
Lecture 1.4.3 Digital Logic 03.19
Lecture 1.4.4 Truth Tables
Lecture 1.5.1 Predicate Logic 1
Lecture 1.5.2 Predicate Logic 2 03.25
Lecture 1.5.4 Predicate Logic 3
Lecture 1.6.1 Sets Definitions 03.30
Lecture 1.7.1 Relations 03.31
Lecture 1.7.3 Relational Mappings 04.07
Lecture 1.7.5 Finite Cardinality 04.07
Lecture 1.8.1 Induction 04.10
Lecture 1.8.2 Bogus Induction 04.12
Lecture 1.8.4 Strong Induction 04.13
Lecture 1.8.6 WOP vs Induction 04.15
Lecture 1.9.1 State Machines Invariants 04.16
Lecture 1.9.3 Derived Variables 04.17
Lecture 1.10.1 Recursive Data 04.18
Lecture 1.10.4 Structural Induction 04.19
Lecture 1.10.7 Recursive Function 04.19
Lecture 1.11.1 Cardinality 04.19
Lecture 1.11.3 ountable Sets 04.21
Lecture 1.11.4 Cantor’s Theorem 04.24
Lecture 1.11.7 The Halting Problem 04.25
Lecture 1.11.9 Russell’s Paradox 04.25
Lecture 1.11.11 Set Theory Axioms 04.27
Lecture 2.1.1 GCDs & Linear Combinations 04.27
Lecture 2.1.2 Euclidean Algorithms 04.28
Lecture 2.1.4 Pulverizer 04.29
Lecture 2.1.6 Revisiting Die Hard 04.30
Lecture 2.1.7 Prime Factorization 05.02
Lecture 2.2.1 Congruence mod n 05.04
Lecture 2.2.3 Inverses mod n 05.09

9 (6)

Title Introduction to Deep Learning
No. MIT6.S191
Date 2021.04.15 ~ 2021.06.31 (40 lectures)
Lecture 1 Introduction to Deep Learning 04.18


  1. MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 01.24
  2. MIT 3.091 Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry, Fall 2018 01.24
  3. MIT MAS.S62 Cryptocurrency Engineering and Design, Spring 2018 03.08